


的 CCC is an annual idea-stage competition for high school students from New Hampshire, 缅因州南部, 和马萨诸塞州北部. CCC吸引高中生参与, 老师, 社区成员 in entrepreneurial and innovative thinking to solve community challenges. 我们提供课程, 培训, 并为加入该项目的学生和教师提供指导, 确保所有人都能获得成功所需的支持.

学生, 独立或团队工作, 确定社交网络, 环境, 或者他们社区的经济问题, 地区, 或者在世界的其他地方, 用创新和创业的方法来解决这个问题. Teams submit a 3-minute video and 2-page paper by the late April deadline and then come to UNH in early May to share their work with judges as they compete against teams from other schools.

这种挑战模式是基于非常成功的UNH NH社会创业创新挑战赛自2016年以来一直存在吗. 过去有一些学生获得了实习机会, 开发关键联系人, 甚至还写了澳门葡京网赌游戏这段经历的大学论文. 

“I learned how to create a solution for a real-world problem and then present our solution in a way that everyone can understand.——过去的参与教育工作者

“I think that student leadership is a very important part to this project. Each person has their own leadership role which is essential to the success of the group.——过去的参与学生

“I learned there are many problems happening in the world and we humans have to step up and find the best solutions.” -过去参与的学生


CCC是一个伙伴关系 联合国大学可持续发展研究所, Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project (RGSCP), 联合国卫生组织合作推广, 新罕布什尔州小企业发展中心(NH SBDC), 还有当地的学校, all sharing an interest in creative problem-solving and effective change making.

重要的日子 & 信息


请注意: Due to the high level of interest this year it is unlikely we will be accepting any more schools for the 2023-24 Challenge.  However, we would still love to hear from you and are happy to put you on our list for 2024-25. 请使用我们的快速利息表格:


注意: 这可能是在学校假期,请相应的计划. 参赛作品可以在2024年1月15日之后的任何时间提交.

5月10日星期五 周三/, 2024年5月22日
Please join us for the concluding day of the 2024 社区变革者挑战赛 - a day of inspiration, 网络, 庆祝新英格兰高中的变革者!
9 a.m.  抵达/登记
9:30 a.m.  程序开始
10 a.m.  学生用Q作简报 & A
12 p.m. 午餐/社交/调查
1 p.m.  奖 & 闭幕词
2 p.m.  活动结束



团队:BIOthermal -优胜者
学校: 第二自然学院

团队成员: Emmet Gleeson, Angus McGranahan, Brianna West, Kevin Cardona-Greene, Olivia Lefebvre, Elizabeth Roy

顾问: Kaitlin Quinn-Stearns

学校: 州长的奥斯卡

团队成员: Patrick Carroll, Carlos Marte-Santana, Maxwell Russell, Hongbo Xia            

顾问: 马库斯·苏尔


团队: 通过关怀的伦理进行工程-亚军          
学校: 牡蛎河高中

团队成员: 玛雅特  

顾问: 乔恩·布罗姆利


团队:EduRoad -亚军
学校: 菲利普斯埃克塞特学院  

团队成员: 艾琳·陈,凯瑟琳·洛佩兹,马里奥·梅内塞斯  

顾问: 莉斯雷耶斯




1. 开放给新英格兰高中学生
2. 提交你的想法(2页的总结和3分钟的视频); 见裁判规则
3. Final Round: finalists present their idea to a panel of judges with Q&A和奖品被授予


  1. 主持人培训: 我们将培训教师, 扩展学习机会协调员, other youth-serving community leaders to work with students to address challenges in their communities.
  2. 课程: Facilitators will use our curriculum and materials that are based on design thinking to help identify and develop solutions to their community challenges. 的y will have access to a wealth of resources 和活动 that they can put their own personal spin on.
  3. 最终事件: Facilitators and students from around New England will come together to present their unique solutions and meet like-minded changemakers.

的 社区变革者挑战赛 has the potential to enrich the education of many high school students and enhance the professional development of 老师. We would like to further the success of this program by making it available to more public schools, especially schools in districts lacking non-traditional learning opportunities for students, 比如比赛提供的基于项目的学习.


德里菲尔德学校,埃克塞特高中, 牡蛎河高中, 菲利普斯埃克塞特学院 朴茨茅斯高中参加了前几年的比赛. 我们希望在2022年增加合作学校的数量.

  1. 学校津贴: 所有参与的学校都有资格获得500- 1美元的津贴,000 depending on available program funds) paid after the culminating event. This money would partially compensate the school for the  time and energy spent engaging with our curriculum, 为学校规划提供资源, even could allow for the implementation of student ideas within their schools and communities. In this way, funding would directly and tangibly provide contributions to New England high schools.
  2. 香港大学教师专业发展日: We envision the development and delivery of a professional development day for 老师 and facilitators at UNH, 用“培训培训师”的方法来支持他们. This would be a CEU-granting 培训 upon request, from which all educators can benefit.
  3. 网络资源: 在这个不确定的时代, making our curriculum available online (via Canvas) ensures that all participants have uninterrupted access to program materials such as readings, 记录报告, 和活动. 

可持续发展研究所与 联合国卫生组织合作推广和 NH Small Business Development Center (NH SBDC) to make this program even more robust and far-reaching than the piloted SVIC High School Track.

Each member of this partnership has unique skills and connections that will work to create a sustainability-focused entrepreneurial ecosystem that is of great benefit to students, 老师, 社区成员.

  • 可持续发展研究所 brings diverse people and ideas together to make UNH a model sustainable learning community that reaches beyond campus to engage state, 区域, 国家, 国际合作伙伴推动可持续解决方案
  • NH SBDC offers programming and consulting for budding small businesses and is a vital part of entrepreneurial development in the state.
  • 联合国卫生组织合作推广 社区 and Economic Development team is focused on connecting and supporting entrepreneurs, 发展可持续创新空间, 创建支持企业家的社区, increasing entrepreneurship among individuals throughout New Hampshire. 

联系  布伦特·鲍威尔, 学校伙伴关系署署长 at Brentnall.Powell@whiest.com f获取更多信息并接受挑战!



Brent Powell serves as the Director of School 合作伙伴hips on our 社区变革者挑战赛 Team. Brent was a longtime teacher and administrator at 的 Derryfield School, 在曼彻斯特, NH, where his students participated in the early years of the High School Social Venture Innovation Challenge. Brent has recently established a new education nonprofit to bring Design Challenge learning to more schools and students throughout New England, 他目前正在进行一个行动研究项目, 这是他在东北大学博士课程的一部分, 增加学生接触CCC的机会.